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      I can blame CAS. Yes, it’s unprecedented, but the fact that there is spotty communication, at best, and we’re forced to learn all of this through the grapevine is a serious failing. They have a website where they can post information. This is absolutely ridiculous. I don’t blame them for the situation, but I 100% blame them for poor communication, a reckless and irresponsible stance, and the general cluster we find ourselves in.


        MN was just a placeholder, our exams are not actually scheduled there. We were advised to make a new appointment immediately. Even though the window has not officially been extended in Pearson yet (1-2 days from 11/25 – I also got this response).

        Question to people actually affected by this…has anyone made the decision to just accept the refund? I’m going back and forth on this.
        1. I could continue to push hard and hope to find an exam appointment between 12/9-12/31. This doesn’t guarantee it won’t get canceled again.
        2. I can enjoy my Thanksgiving and the rest of this awful year and do this all over again for the Spring.


          My exam is in Dec. 7th and my state isn’t doing well either with covid so I wouldn’t be surprised the slightest bit if mine also gets pushed back.
          Cancelling and just enjoying Thanksgiving sounds so good to be honest.

          saul goodman

            I’m December 1st and my state is doing very poorly, and I’m high risk. I go back and forth every hour on if I should cancel or not.


              I think if I was feeling prepared, this would be a no brainer for me. I’d go anywhere to take this test. Would really like to get this last exam for ACAS…BUT I would have been lucky to pass on 12/7. If I find a later date in the month, would that give me the extra time I need to really feel confident? So many factors.


                @TryhardActuary – No, the CAS could have enabled the exams to be remote. There is no excuse for them blowing this. Read that quote above from the CAS – they had ten months to figure this out and they pledged to provide an exam to all candidates. All of us could have anticipated and predicted that the winter would not be better and they kept us in limbo by constantly pushing exam dates back. Even now, they still cannot give candidates clarity on what is going to happen. This is inexcusable.

                A “wait and see” answer is actually the worst answer that they can give at this point. Especially when they have better options at their fingertips.

                I personally see a few options left:
                1. The CAS Leadership send a letter explaining that they completely failed everyone and that if candidates cannot get it rescheduled, no matter what, it’s over (this is just sticking with their current policy). This is also the worst option for everyone and is entirely due to the lack of CAS leadership.
                2. The CAS gets Pearson VUE to enable remote proctoring. I’m sure there is a fee with this…but I mean, they can use that non-refundable portion or something?
                3. Contact all CAS actuaries and beg for remote proctors like they did for Exam 5. IMO, they should have done this back in the summer, but perhaps the number of candidates needing this is small enough that it is feasible since a bunch of candidates took exams.

                Hey, CAS Leadership, why don’t you send out a quick survey to everyone about what we think you should do?

                Marco De Virgilis

                  Has anyone been able to rebook the exam?


                    Not me. I keep checking for those later dates to open up but nothing yet.


                      I was able to book out of state (very far from where I live…). I called pearson and confirmed that my testing window has been extended, but there was still no availability anywhere in my state. Currently sitting for my exam on 12/7, just not in my state

                      Marco De Virgilis

                        They said they would extend the window up until 12/31 and that we should have gotten an email in the next 1-2 days. This is what I was told yesterday. As of now still nothing, and I doubt they will send instructions on Thanksgiving. Does anyone have any other news?


                          Nope, that’s what I was told when I called this morning. Then got a late email reply that I mentioned earlier; suggested booking out of state which is just a pitiful look for a professional organization. Unfortunately, just “wait and see” time.


                            I received my updated Authorization to Test (ATT) this morning. The extended window seems to be open…but there’s very limited availability. I can see an opening for 12/16 in Tupelo, MS (not near me, just wanted confirmation that I have access to the extended window).

                            Marco De Virgilis

                              It looks like so. If you see any availability after 12/9 it means that you have access to the extended window. I just do not understand who, in the right state of mind, would encourage traveling out of state in this conditions. And knowing that this comes from a professional organization, it is just mind boggling. I know that so many other actuarial societies have done remote tests from home. Is that so hard for the CAS?


                                @user056 – did you have to do anything to see additional dates? I got a new ATT yesterday afternoon, but no change to my Pearson availability.


                                  No, I did not have to do anything. The appointment I mentioned is the only post-12/9 option that I’ve seen.


                                    @user056 Interesting. I’m also worried that the CAS will mess this up, since I never actually got an email from them like others did. I’ve only gotten the Pearson email that it was canceled, and another one yesterday afternoon with a new ATT. Will not be surprised at all if there are more missteps…

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